Lindner becomes Madaster's Kennedy partner

Madaster – the cadastre for materials – is a global online platform: All materials used for the construction of buildings can be documented, registered and archived here. Thus, Madaster is an important step towards circular economy: Thanks to the precise documentation, materials can be recycled. Lindner is now a "Kennedy" partner of the project.

In Germany, the construction sector generates 228.1 million tonnes of construction and demolition waste annually (54.7 % of the gross volume of waste). In Europe, around half of raw material consumption and a good 60 % of waste generation originate in the construction and real estate industry. Therefore, Lindner has been intensively involved in sustainable construction since the 1990s – both in product development and in production and processing. In addition to numerous environmental product declarations, Cradle to Cradle® certifications and the co-founding of the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB), the company's commitment now also includes the partnership with Madaster.

Madaster online platform

In the Netherlands – where Madaster originates from – around 2,000 buildings are already registered in the platform. Madaster has been active in Germany since March 4th: With the help of the platform, all material data of real estate can be saved and managed – as for example quality, origin and location of the materials. A web-based material passport is then created from the information. It shows the available residual raw material value of a building. The residual raw material values ​​of real estate and infrastructures can then be managed and used for accounting according to HGB or real estate valuation. Digitalisation is an important engine for the transition to more sustainability in the construction and real estate sectors.

Lindner as Madaster Kennedy

As Kennedy, Lindner contributes to the establishment of circular economy in the construction and real estate industry – to circular real estate. The term is inspired by John F. Kennedy's announcement in 1962 that the Americans would land on the moon in the foreseeable future. Kennedy didn't know how, when, or what it would cost, but he knew it would happen. Dr. Patrick Bergmann, Managing Director of Madaster Germany: “With our Kennedys as well as re!source and UNU FLORES we have found very strong and committed partners in construction, asset management and circular economy. With this ecosystem of partners, we want to make Madaster the central online register for buildings in Germany.”

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