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Lindner SE

Lindner SE combines production, sales and projectmanagement for interior fit-out. The company markets interior fit-out projects and conducts comprehensive projects with various works from dry construction to general contracting. Outside of Germany, Lindner SE provides a network of branches and subsidiaries as well as the division International Projects Contracting, the latter in particular for large-scale projects. The division International Product Supplies also services customers all over the world. The product range for supply business comprises floors, ceilings, luminaires and partitions from in-house production. 

Lindner SE

Lindner SE is the largest company within Lindner Group, forming the core of the business division Construction together with Lindner Fassaden GmbH and Lindner Isoliertechnik und Industrieservice GmbH.

Urban Media Space, Aarhus

Urban Media Space Aarhus, also known as Dokk1, is currently the largest and one of the most spectacular libraries in Scandinavia. Being an expert for extraordinary solutions, Lindner SE was awarded to supply and install thermal and acoustic insulations and two kinds of metal ceiling systems fitted both in interior and exterior areas. Levels 0 and 1 of the building were fitted with anodized aluminium hook-on panels with 50mm large perforations. Due to the nearby ocean, it was necessary to cover all remaining surfaces with a C4-coating. The second level and all atrias were cladded with large-meshed expanded metal ceiling system out of anodized aluminum.

National Assembly Hall, Hanoi

The plenary hall is the core of the Assembly Hall and, thus, of very sophisticated design. Particular attention was paid to visual appearances and acoustics. Lindner Group was invited to develop a concept for a unique ceiling system tailored to this project. The final system consists of 34 rings with integrated LED technology. Due to its geographic location, an earthquake-proof construction was stipulated. Apart from the striking impact on the appearance of the plenary hall, the ceiling also improves room acoustics thanks to its perforation.

GERBER – Interior Fit-out

The GERBER´s 25,000 sqm of retail space are divided in 86 boutiques, diverse restaurants and grocery stores. Additionally, 16,000 sqm of high-quality office and residential spaces have been added to the GERBER complex. Lindner was contracted with the complete interior fit-out of the mall and the overlaying office and residential structures. Additionally, Lindner constructed the multi-faceted envelope of the GERBER complex, which enabled optimal coordination between exterior and interior works and thus reduced the overall construction time. After little more than one year of construction time, both exterior and interior had been finished.

European XFEL Schenefeld

A large part of the research facilities and all of the institute´s administration is based in Schenefeld, where a new construction with two office floors and a laboratory floor have been built upon the research tunnels. Lindner Reinraumtechnik was awarded with the complete fit-out of the laboratory units and clean rooms. In the office areas, Lindner SE created spatial separation between central passageways and offices by installing Lindner Partitions. Sound absorbers with fabric coating additionally improve acoustics. The second field of performance in the office areas were ceiling systems. LMD-E Hook-on Ceilings were fitted in all offices and hallways. With integrated ventilation systems and a perforation, the ceilings also serve functional aspects.

About us

Lindner SE

Interior Fit-Out: Our Roots

Lindner SE is the largest company within Lindner Group, forming the core of the business division Construction together with Lindner Fassaden GmbH and Lindner Isoliertechnik und Industrieservice GmbH. Lindner SE comprises production, sales and management for interior fit-out projects.

Conversion to plc: 1987, Conversion to SE: 2020


Foundation Year



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Lindner SE

Would you like to visit us?

Bahnhofstraße 29 | 94424 | Arnstorf | Germany
+49 8723


Our Projects worldwide

Once around the globe and back again to our home Arnstorf: With our construction projects we are represented almost everywhere! No matter whether new construction or renovation, whether interior fit-out, building envelope or insulation – our references consist of a colourful mixture full of new challenges and impressive results.