

Lindner Group KG
Bahnhofstraße 29
94424 Arnstorf, Germany
Phone: +49 8723 20-0
Fax: +49 8723 20-2147

Legal Form

Limited partnership

Chairman of the Advisory Board

Veronika Lindner

General Partners

Hans Lindner, Veronika Lindner, Lindner Group SE

Head Office of the Company


Register of Companies

Landshut disctrict court
Registration number HRA10182

Sales Tax-Identification Number


Legal Information

We cannot accept any liability for the accuracy, completeness or up-to-dateness of the information provided. This also applies to all websites, which are linked via hyperlinks. In particular we are not liable for any infringements of statutory regulations made on these websites. The company reserves the right to make modifications or additions to the information or data provided without notification.

We cannot accept liability for knowledge or statements and for any actions undertaken on the basis of these, which result directly or indirectly from an analysis of the data, content and links on this website. We are not liable for direct or indirect damage, including lost profits, which result from the use of the information or data found on this website. The information reproduced on this website, especially information relating to the company's profit and loss account, balance sheet and cashflow account, does not represent publication in the sense of statutory regulations. The respective quarterly financial statements and annual reports, published to comply with legal regulations, alone apply in this respect. We would be pleased to forward these to you by post.

We cannot accept liability for any damage and / or modification to hardware or software or consequential damage caused to you or third parties by such damage/modifications or the use of the website or single files.

Alternative Dispute Arbitration acc. to § 36 VSBG: Our Company is not willing and not obliged to participate in arbitration proceedings of a Consumer Arbitration Authority.

Data Protection

To the data protection declaration


This website contains data (articles, photos, graphics and other files) which are subject to copyright. We retain all rights, also relating to the reproduction, duplication and dissemination (even of excerpts) of this data.

Picture Credits

Start page, Add.Vantage slider: © Brigida Gonzalez
Start page, Lincrete slider: © Crossrail London
Start page, BIM slider: © Design to Production GmbH
Start page, insulation slider: © HGEsch Photography


Lindner Group KG
Online Marketing
Bahnhofstraße 29
94424 Arnstorf, Germany
Phone: +49 8723 20-0
Fax: +49 8723 20-2147