Metal Ceilings aurum

Ceiling Systems with Cradle to Cradle Cerified® Gold

Our metal ceilings are convincing all along the line: after the Cradle to Cradle Certified® Silver award, our aurum products are even more sustainable – and have recently achieved Gold certification. The reason? Thanks to increasing the renewable energy content to over 50 % and changing some of the ingredients of the acoustic tissue, the LMD metal ceilings aurum with white powder coating and butt joint now meet all the requirements in terms of recyclability:

  • emissions far below the limit values
  • components almost completely recyclable
  • non-destructively degradable, i.e. almost no irreversible connections such as adhesions, etc.
  • closed water circuits in production

In addition to highest demands on sustainability, our LMD ceiling systems impress with aesthetic design, acoustic effectiveness, fire protection and maximum flexibility.

You can find more information about our sustainable ceilings on the respective product pages. Click through our Cradle to Cradle Certified® products now:

Golden Times for sustainable Building

Golden Times for sustainable Building

Thanks to their C2C Certified® Gold status, the metal ceilings aurum make a valuable contribution to greater sustainability in the construction industry. With the concept of circular building – implemented through the Cradle to Cradle principle – material cycles are closed and products are reused for as long as possible. Therefore, circular products are also considered the solution for the change in the building industry towards more resource conservation, less waste and lower CO2 emissions.

Cradle to Cradle Certified® is the globally recognised standard for designing and manufacturing goods that enable a healthy, equitable and sustainable future – and is therefore considered a distinguishing feature of circular and sustainable products. Unlike other certifications, which usually focus on only one dimension of sustainability, Cradle to Cradle certification looks at all aspects of sustainable development and production. The C2C Certified® evaluation system follows a point system, which divides the submitted products into the categories Basic, Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum. The rating is based on five criteria:

  • material health
  • material reusability
  • climate protection and clean air
  • water and soil stewardship
  • social fairness

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