Time for a Refresh of the Construction Industry

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Turn old into better: with this approach, Lindner shows how the reuse of floor panels can counteract the waste of resources and high CO2 emissions in the construction industry in the panel event "Refresh – Processing of floor panels in a cycle" at Builtworld.com.

The panel discussion on Builtworld by initiator Wolfgang Moderegger on 11 April was a complete success: More than 150 participants followed the expert panel discussion on circular construction. This time, the focus of the one-hour online event was on the trade of flooring. Ralph Peckmann, Head of the Flooring Division of the Lindner Group, clarified the opportunities of the circular economy and the added value of reprocessed floor tiles from Lindner in conversation with Ute Christophersen from Europa-Center and Paul Welter from Concular.

Lindner's Path to Sustainability

For more than 12 years, the Lindner Group's flooring division has been dealing with the topic of sustainable building: As early as 2010, for example, the first life cycle assessment was drawn up and just one year later the first CO2-neutral raised floor system was offered. This was followed by a take-back guarantee for Lindner flooring systems as well as several certifications according to the Cradle to Cradle Certified® product standard. With the introduction of reclaimed floor boards in 2021, Lindner took a further step towards a circular economy: In line with the circular economy concept, the products and materials used are not disposed of at the end of their useful life, but reclaimed and reused. In this way, waste can be avoided and emissions and resources saved.

Reclaimed Floor Panels from Lindner

Disposing of building materials at the end of their useful life is still the standard case: With the reprocessed raised floor panels LOOP, LOOP aurum and LOOP prime, as well as the hollow floor alternative ADDLIFE, Lindner is already counteracting the waste of valuable resources. On request, Lindner also offers an "all-round carefree package", which includes the dismantling of the floor system on site and transport to Arnstorf. After delivery, the floor panels are first checked and then subjected to a refresh: Depending on the customer's wishes, only the top side or, in the case of LOOP aurum and LOOP prime, also the surrounding sides are processed.

Further Benefits on Top

"Everybody wins on this topic!" said Ralph Peckmann in the discussion round. He also emphasised the financial advantages of the reconditioned floor panels: because with the purchase of a used alternative one gets a price advantage of up to 5 - 20 %, depending on the model. In addition, the customer receives a floor slab with the identical structural-physical and technical properties of a new slab. The reconditioned slabs provide further plus points: They save more than 98 % gas and 70 % CO2 and thus have positive effects on the rating in common (building) certification systems. This year, the LOOP aurum and NORTEC aurum flooring systems were even the first raised floors worldwide to receive the Cradle to Cradle Certified® Gold award. All in all, the advantages of the processed boards clearly outweigh the few limitations. Thus, they are objectively better than the new ones.

By delivering the used floor panels to Arnstorf, waste disposal companies or remediation companies can save a significant portion of the costs compared to landfilling the materials – a win-win-win situation for all parties involved.

Looking to a Green Future

In addition to the Soil Division, many other Lindner divisions are playing their part in environmentally friendly construction. For example, Lindner is already working together with Europa-Center on a concept for circular interior construction. In the future, these product leasing concepts are expected to open further doors to operating rooms in a cycle.

The panel discussion in full length is available HERE!

Also, don't miss the next event in cooperation with Builtworld on "Room-in-room systems as production assistants in new working worlds" with Gregor Kamps on 18 May 2022 . More information about the event at https://www.builtworld.com/event/raum-in-raum-systeme-produktion-neue-arbeitswelten.

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