Silver Award for Corporate Health Management

Our Company
The quality of the Lindner Group’s Corporate Health Management (BGM) at its headquarters in Arnstorf, Germany was evaluated by the health insurance AOK Bayern again and confirmed with the Silver Standard once more: Lindner has created sustainable structures and introduced a successful systematic approach to Corporate Health Management.

Under the title ‘pro.aktiv’, the company's internal committee – consisting of key deciders and coordinator Martina Stömmer – pursues the aim of making work and the working processes healthier on a long term run. For example, Lindner has made great strides in improving the conditions for its employees in the production with ergonomic measures: The machines having recently been put into operation can be loaded with metal sheets fully automatically by means of a new loading and unloading aid. This increases work safety and eliminates physical strain.

However, due to Corona, not all measures could be carried out as planned during the last months – prevention courses and the like were mostly organised online or as face-to-face events in smaller groups and in compliance with appropriate distance and hygiene measures.

The handover of the ‘Healthy Company’ certificate on 5 July 2021 by the AOK Director of the Passau-Rottal-Inn Directorate, Richard Kirmaier, only took place in a small circle at the headquarters in Arnstorf. BGM coordinator Martina Stömmer: "The silver award shows that we have already implemented many good measures. It is an incentive to continue to create a healthy working environment for our colleagues by taking many small as well as big steps."

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