Safety First: Ball Impact Resistant Ceiling Systems

Products & Services
Sports halls are usually quite busy. Therefore, the ceiling systems used must meet many requirements: Not only good acoustics are crucial, but above all safety and functionality. Ceiling systems for sports halls from Lindner are tested according to EN 13964 in classes 1A/2A/3A.

Metal ceilings which are exposed to a lot of mechanical stress as it occurs in sports halls, swimming halls or schools require ball-impact resistance in accordance to EN 13964 D or DIN 18032-3.

Tested Systems

During the testing, the ceiling systems must withstand impacting balls at a speed of up to 65 km/h and must not be deformed too much or even be destroyed in the process – and no elements must come loose. Different classes can be determined depending on the intended use: gymnastics rooms (class 3A), swimming halls (class 2A) as well as sports, gymnastics and multi-purpose halls (class 1A).

Lindner offers three ball-impact resistant ceiling systems, tested according to EN 13964 in classes 1A/2A/3A:

The Hook-On Ceiling ensures a smooth appearance. It has acoustically effective perforations with a maximum diameter of 3 mm and accentuated joints in both directions. The Expanded Metal Ceilings are characterized by a wide range of design options due to variable mesh types, shapes and sizes – they are available in both modular and a planar optics.

Safety and Design

The ceiling systems are convincing both visually and functionally: Due to the concealed substructure, they have a homogeneous appearance and are also available in large formats of up to 3,000 x 1,250 mm. The ceiling elements are easy to assemble and very flexible: They can be individually operated, swung down and slid and therefore allow maintenance work without any problems. Tested inspection flaps are also available for large-format expanded metal elements.

An integration of luminaires or other fixtures is possible. The recessed and surface-mounted luminaires from Lindner Leuchtenfabrik, SHL 298 and SYS 298, are particularly suitable and tested for ball-impact resistance in accordance to DIN 18032 and EN 13964.

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