Record in Lindner pedestal production for floor systems

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The Lindner Group's pedestal production has set a new record: The ambitious goal of producing a total of 10 million pedestals for Lindner hollow and raised floor systems in 2020 was exceeded.

Despite all the challenges of the past year, the Lindner pedestal production reached the ten million mark for the first time within a calendar year on December 3, 2020. Pipes of different diameters and wall thicknesses were installed: from 16 to 32 millimeters in diameter and up to a wall thickness of 4 millimeters.

It only takes a little more than two seconds to produce one pedestal. Last year, 2,000 tons of steel and 700 tons of wire rod were processed. Taken together, the pedestals produced would be 1,321,000 meters long – roughly the distance from the production site in Arnstorf to the Lindner subsidiary in Albania.

Lindner Hollow Floors

Lindner Raised Floors

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