Precise measuring using digital as-built documentation

Products & Services

Renovating existing buildings helps to contain land consumption and waste of resources, but often leads to unplanned surprises: Comprehensive digital as-built documentation using 3D laser scanning technology can remedy this.

Existing buildings can be used more efficiently through renovation, conversion or expansion. However, the basic evaluation and the planning process for an existing renovation are often complicated. In order to obtain a solid long-term knowledge base about the condition of the building and the room details, Lindner offers digital as-built documentation with modern 3D laser scanning technology.

The existing environment is recorded quickly and precisely with a 3D scanner. The resulting point clouds are then modeled and made available for various software tools, as required in 2D or 3D (BIM). Existing analog building archives are digitized and at the same time created as 3D/BIM models in software tools such as Revit, MicroStation, etc. This creates reliable data that helps to avoid errors in the planning process. Fixed prices – e.g. according to m²/total floor area – ensure security in terms of costs.

The data obtained then serve as construction documentation for future renovations and form the basis for specific requirements, such as hazard prevention plans.

Your advantages:

  • precise measurement + 3D model
  • avoidance of errors and costs during renovation work
  • can be used with various software (Revit, MicroStation etc.)
  • digitization of existing building archives and plans
  • transfer of the existing data into BIM models

More information is available here

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